Vedanta Course #30 : Tattva Bodha Pt. 25 – The Essential Non-Difference of the Individual, Creation, Creator and Self

This video explains how the individual, creator and creation are essentially non-different as the self. In other words, it shows how all objects are nothing but you: non-dual, existence/consciousness. This series works best when viewed in order so if you haven't seen the previous installments, you can view them HERE.

Vedanta Course #29: Tattva Bodha Pt. 24 – Ignorance, Projection and the Essential Non-Difference of the Individual & Total

This video explains how in order for there to be an apparent creation, there must first be ignorance of the non-dual self followed by projection of name and form onto the nameless, formless self. Also, this video shows--from the standpoint of matter--how there is essentially no difference between the individual person and the total creation, [...]